Tote Bag Painting with Juleah

Tote Bag Painting with Juleah

The Bakery Atlanta

Oct 13, 2024
12:00 pm
Educational Workshop
Visual Art

The Bakery Atlanta

638 N. Highland Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30306

12:00 pm

This class invites you to create a functional and mixed media piece of art that you can wear! We will be customizing canvas tote bags with materials like: fabric paint, glitter, and other craft materials! You can follow a design concept you find online (Pinterest is a great option for ideas), get inspiration from our sample bags, or just let the materials inspire you! Your instructor will guide you through your design concept regardless. The tote bags are made of canvas so they are very paint-friendly if you just wanted to create a custom painting on your bag!

🚪The main entrance is 638 N. Highland Ave at The Shops at Otto’s. Enter through the door to the left of Colette Bread and Bakeshop. This door leads you down a hallway and staircase to the space.

🦽Need an accessible entrance? There is an ADA door in the back of the building. Contact the organizers at for assistance in using this entrance.Parking: There are multiple parking options around The Supermarket’s Poncey-Highland location.

1️⃣Option 1: Limited parking at the Shop’s on N. Highland Ave via Park Mobile.
2️⃣Option 2: Lot located on N. Highland Ave and Blue Ridge Ave adjacent to Otto’s Apartment Hotel. Parking is hourly via Park Mobile with a daily max.
3️⃣Option 3: Parking deck at 675 N. Highland Ave.